Мемориал «Жертвам фашизма»

the Krasinskiy memorial in the town Shachty.

Great day.26
The middle of the night… the Beginning of a new day… the City is sleeping. The silence of the night breaks the unusually solemn voice of the announcer… In apartments illuminated. Relatives congratulate each other. With words of joy to awaken and kiss the mother of the children. Many of the houses rushing sounds of music, songs…
Come to life the streets of the city. Neighbors rush to tell each other good news:
— Get up! Victory! The Germans surrendered! The end of the war!
The square attracts hundreds of people. Grow joyful congratulations. Kiss quite unfamiliar to men, women, youth. In four hours spontaneously there is a rally. And when on the horizon a bright spring sun, there is a loud, repeated «hurrah» of the heroic red Army, the great, dear, beloved Stalin.
So begins a day of national celebration of the mining city – the long-awaited, produced in a heated battle and hard work – a Victory day!

26 the newspaper «Red miner», may 9, 1945

In the town of Shakhty, the Nazis committed atrocities for seven months and killed about 14 thousand people. A lot of Saginaw were shot and tortured for refusing to work on the invaders and send the don coal in Nazi Germany. Three and a half thousand miners and their families were thrown alive into the mine shaft to them. L. Krasin. According to archival documents and eyewitness accounts, it was found that the first monument to the victims was a wooden obelisk built in the mine yard.
As the soil under the monument settled, the monument is deformed, and it was decided to establish it on a more stable place. It was later replaced by a granite obelisk, which was located on the site of the present entrance to the memorial.
For the 10-year anniversary of Victory in the place of the shaft, in which are buried Soviet citizens, was erected a monument to the fallen heroes and the Eternal flame was lit.
The next step was designing the Krasinski memorial of the time when the sculptor I. Reznichenko carved monumental figure of a miner with an eternal flame in his hands. A memorial at the mine to them. Leonid Krasin (architect R. Muradian, sculptor I. Reznichenko) was built in 1975. He was the personification of the struggle against fascism, the stoic firmness and patriotism. The main monument of the memorial complex is located on the site of a former slag heap. The monument was decided to form two powerful pylons, silhouette resembles a slag heap, a truncated pyramid. There is the idea of the burial mound, the symbols of eternity, of the information embodied in the minds of people. The grieving figure of a miner holding a bowl of fire, as if slicing through the space between the pylons and recalls a terrible tragedy here. The shaft that dumped people, decorated in the form of decorative grilles. Concrete pylons, faced with granite chips, and the sculpture — copper leaves.. Thoughtfully solved the traffic pattern of the visitors of the memorial complex. The sculpture of the miner is located on the axis of the street. People bypass the monument, walk along the memorial wall to the shaft, and with each step, increases the emotional tension of perception of the complex. Strike silent witnesses (shaft surrounding the steppe) occurred here atrocities.

Scheme-the project «mining memorial»
Space Shakhty memorial goes beyond the immediate visual perception of the ensemble and includes a panorama of our city. The steppe environment is interpreted as a kind of the symbol of the «Russian field». Composition of the memorial complex is saturated with images of the tragedy, aesthetically understood and very concise.

Date of opening of the modern memorial may 9, 1975.

As it was…..

May 9. The city in holiday attire. On the streets and squares of banners, red flags on the balconies and facades of houses of the State flags of the USSR, the RSFSR. Like all Soviet people, the workers of our city celebrated the great feast – the 30th anniversary of the Victory. Representatives of collectives of enterprises, institutions and educational institutions are directed to the mine of a name of L. Krasin, which will host the opening of the memorial «Victims of fascism» To this memorable place people went, walked to pay tribute to the heroes who fell in the struggle for freedom and independence of our Motherland. …Memorial Plaza looks majestic. It is lined with huge slabs, which breaks around the green grass. In the center of the square there is a sculptural group of two obelisks, made of granite gray chips represent waste heaps. Towering eight-meter figure of a grieving miner, in whose hands the Cup with the Eternal flame. To the left of the sculptural group was built of brick and concrete wall of burial in the niches where you can find mining helmets. And near it, made of black labrodorita, which is brought here from Zhitomir, a tombstone to the memory of victims of fascism. The memorial, made from sketches of the Rostov architect R. A. Maradana and sculptor I. I. Reznichenko, built our entire city. It creation cost s about 180 thousand rubles. But especially active participation in the construction work took teams PMK-9, construction management № 23, «SDS», mechanization № 7, Shahtostroiteli No. 11, Shakhty construction management No. 1, building materials factory, the factory of large details, shahtinsky building-Assembly management №8, specialized construction and installation administration, Central Electromechanical workshops of the production Association «Rostovugol» and other. All work was supervised by chief superintendent N. With. Filonov. The headquarters of the national building headed by the first Secretary of the October district Committee of the CPSU P. S. Shapovalov. A great contribution to improvement works at the complex made teams interregional culinary school, plant of the production Association «Rostovugol», and other organizations in the city.

…10hours 30 minutes in the morning. A meeting dedicated to the Victory day and the opening of the memorial «Victims of fascism» opens the first Secretary of the city Committee of the CPSU E. F. the role of. — Today, «he says,» the day of the great Victory of the Soviet people, we are gathered here to officially open the memorial complex of memory of victims of fascism – Saginaw who died during the great Patriotic war. The memorial, built by the workers city, is and sacred the memory of the fallen heroes, and a constant reminder of living for today: don’t forget, be worthy of them!34 there are No words to convey the feelings that overwhelmed our hearts. The most precious thing man has is life, which gave courageous for our happiness. Among them one of the leaders of the partisan movement Ivan T. Klimenko, a brave Communist Olga Andreevna Meshkova, Ignat p. Tkachenko, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich Evlakhov and many others. Never overgrown popular trail to the monument to our fellow countrymen who died fighting for freedom and independence, will never fade in the memory of gratitude to Soviet soldiers who saved the world from fascist plague. We bow our heads before the blessed memory of the fallen.

— A rally dedicated to the opening of the memorial «Victims of fascism» is declared open, says in conclusion, comrade Aleksashkin. The hymn of the Soviet Union. Then the floor Miroshnikova I. K., the veteran of the great Patriotic war, Hero of the Soviet Union, N. P. Belyanskiy, the foreman of an integrated team of construction management No. 23, knight of the order of Lenin and the October Revolution, A. S. Sidelnikova, daughter Olga Andreevna Meshkova, N. T. Semenko — working Shoe factory, R. M. Popov, the Director of the mine named after the October Revolution, Andrew Torturesome, student of 6th grade of the school № 26. Secretary of the city Committee of the CPSU N.. Sergeev provides for the right to light the eternal flame of glory first Secretary of party Committee of E. F. Aleksashkino, the Executive Committee Chairman V. S. Volkov, hero of the Soviet Union I. K. Miroshnikova, I. D., Caulk, F. V. Prokofiev, Hero of socialist labor V. Yamnova, veterans of the great Patriotic war, retired Colonel, the participant of liberation of the Mine of P. I. Cherenkov, Hero of socialist labor.

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