Церковь Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы — православный храм в селе Песчанокопское, Песчанокопского района

Церковь Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы-село Песчанокопское, Песчанокопского района Ростовской области

Protection of the Holy Mary Church is an Orthodox cathedral in the village of Peschanokopskoe, Peschanokopskoe district Rostov region.
History: The church, which was built in the village of Peschanokopskoe in 1854, got its name in honour of the holiday the Protection of the Holy Virgin. This holiday is celebrated on October 14th in a new style. The church was destroyed in1937. When the bell was thrown down, great noise was heard everywhere around. In the place where a house of defense was built later, a big pit was dig and they threw church books and icons there. Then everything was burnt. Years passed. In 1988 Prikhod of the Protection of the Holy Mary was built in the building of former primary school. The building was adapted for the church services. In 1933 the cross was consecrated and the foundation of the new church was laid on the donations of parishioners.
In 2002 the project was revised with the blessing of Archbishop Panteleimon and in February it was approved. The construction of the temple was announced like all-people. Almost every citizen became a partnerof the creation of the spiritual citadel. Everyone tried to contribute in his way. By December 1st of 2005 the dome was made in the city of Volgodonsk. In 2006 during Holy week eight large parts of the dome, so called “petals”, were brought and kept in the churchyard. The parts of the drum on which the dome had to be put were brought then too. People were watching how the parts of the dome were put together and became a beautiful graceful construction. On October 7th of 2008 the first Liturgy was celebrated. On June 28th of 2009 the cathedral was consecrated.
Pokrovskij Prikhod. The address: 347570, 212 Engels street, v. Peschanokopskoe,
Peschanokopskoe district, Rostov region

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